4  🖥️ Silicodiversity


Alex Skeels and Oskar Hagen

Exploring outputs

In this practical we will explore the outputs from gen3sis using the island simulations we ran yesterday. We will learn how to use this data with common R packages for phylogenetic comparative methods, community phylogenetics, biogeography and much more.

The goal for today will be to produce:

  1. A map of Species Richness from the simulation summary object

  2. A plot of Lineages Through Time from the phylogeny

  3. Plot of species trait values on a phylogenetic tree, by linking the species objects to the phylogeny

  4. Maps of Phylogenetic Diversity by linking species objects to the landscape and phylogeny

First, let’s make sure we have the necessary packages loaded


Simulation summary object (sgen3sis.rds)

The first object we will look at today is the sgenesis.rds file. This file contains a summary of the simulation. Which we can plot (as we did yesterday) with the plot_summary function. This is the same object, that you would have in memory by running a simulation with run_simulation.

output_dir <- "output/islands" 

sim <- readRDS(file.path(output_dir, "config_islands_simple_Day1Prac3_M3/sgen3sis.rds")) 

# look at what the simulation summary contains
[1] "summary"    "flag"       "system"     "parameters"

The first element is the sim summary. This contains a record of the history of speciation, extinction, and species richness through time (phylo_summary), a history of the number of total grid cells occupied during the simulation through time (occupancy) and the species richness of each grid cell at the final time step.

List of 3
 $ phylo_summary : num [1:52, 1:4] 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ...
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. ..$ : chr [1:52] "initial" "50" "49" "48" ...
  .. ..$ : chr [1:4] "total" "alive" "speciations" "extinctions"
 $ occupancy     : Named num [1:52] 1 0.523 0.527 0.525 0.51 ...
  ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:52] "initial" "50" "49" "48" ...
 $ richness-final: num [1:3600, 1:3] 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 ...
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. ..$ : chr [1:3600] "1" "2" "3" "4" ...
  .. ..$ : chr [1:3] "x" "y" "0"
# phylo summary
        total alive speciations extinctions
initial     4     4           4           0
50          4     4           0           0
49          4     4           0           0
48          4     4           0           0
47          4     4           0           0
46          4     4           0           0
# occupancy
  initial        50        49        48        47        46 
1.0000000 0.5225677 0.5270793 0.5249294 0.5099819 0.5013193 
# occupancy
    x    y 0
1 0.5 59.5 0
2 1.5 59.5 0
3 2.5 59.5 0
4 3.5 59.5 0
5 4.5 59.5 0
6 5.5 59.5 0

These data can be visualized with the plot_summary function

# Visualize the outputs 

We can also use these data to map out patterns of species richness

# make sure the landscape is loaded
lc <- readRDS(file.path("data", "landscapes", "islands","landscapes.rds"))

# can remove cells with elevation below sea level at timestep 0 (present-day) to see the outlines of the islands
na_mask <- is.na(lc$elevation[,"0"])
rich <- sim$summary$`richness-final`
rich[na_mask,3] <- NA

# turn richness summary into a raster 
richness <- rast(rich, type="xyz")

# plot, the sea is darblue, given by hexadecimal color code 
plot(richness, col=c("grey", gen3sis::color_richness(12)), colNA="#000033")

The next part of the simulation summary object is the flag which will tell us if the simulation ran successfully. It should give “OK”

[1] "OK"

Next is the system summary. This is information about the R version, R packages, and operating system used in the simulation. This ensures complete repeatability. It also tells us the runtime of the simulation.

[1] "runtime-hours"       "gen3sis-version"     "R-version"          
[4] "OS"                  "session-information"
[1] 0.01416649

[1] '1.5.11'

Finally the summary object contains the config information and model parameters used.

[1] "gen3sis"     "user"        "directories"
[1] "general"        "initialization" "dispersal"      "speciation"    
[5] "mutation"       "ecology"       

Phylogeny object (phy.nex)

The phylogeny object is pretty straight forward. It is a nexus file containing the relationships between the species.

# read phy
phy <- read.nexus(file.path(output_dir, "config_islands_simple_Day1Prac3_M3/phy.nex"))
# plot phy
plot(phy, cex=0.4)

From this object we can look at lineages through time plots and estimate trends in diversification. The gamma statistic is one way to detect diversification slowdowns or speedups, with positive values indicating nodes are more closely pushed up towards the tips (speed up) and negative values indicating nodes are closer to the root (slowdown) (Pybus and Harvey 2000). There are lots of other kinds of measures of phylogenetic tree shape, such as metrics of tree imbalance (Colless’s Index, Beta-Splitting Paramater, etc.)

# plot an ltt
ltt_M1 <-ltt(phy)

# look at the gamma statistic
print(paste0("Gamma = ", round(ltt_M1$gamma, 2)))
[1] "Gamma = 0.27"
# is there a significant deviation from constant rates?
print(paste0("P = ", round(ltt_M1$p, 2)))
[1] "P = 0.79"

Species objects (phy.nex)

Now its time to get into the meat of the gen3sis outputs. Most of the information from the simulation is stored in the species objects. These are .rds files that contain a list which includes information on every species, extinct or extant, that existed during the simulation. These are saved per default at every time step, but can be fine tuned according to your needs. The naming convention is “species_t_0.rds” for time step 0 (present-day), and “species_t_50” for timestep 50, etc.

# load object
species_t_0 <- readRDS(file.path(output_dir, "config_islands_simple_Day1Prac3_M3", "species", "species_t_0.rds"))

# look at object class and length
[1] "list"
[1] 37
# compare to number of tips in the phylogeny
[1] 37

There are 14 elements in the list, representing our 14 species and this number matches the number of species in our phylogeny. No species went extinct in this particular simulation, but if they did, they would match extinct tips in the phylogeny.

Lets look at a single species

[1] "id"         "abundance"  "traits"     "divergence"

The species has an ID which allows us to match it to the phylogeny.

[1] "1"

The species’ abundances are also linked to grid cells in the landscape, which can be matched with their corresponding names.

249 250 251 252 289 290 291 306 307 308 316 349 352 353 354 364 365 366 377 378 
  1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1 
406 407 408 414 415 423 439 440 465 466 467 476 482 500 524 525 560 561 584 597 
  1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1 
619 620 645 656 657 662 678 679 705 706 716 717 723 737 738 766 776 783 784 785 
  1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1 
796 797 827 835 845 846 847 848 853 854 888 889 890 893 894 909 910 951 953 
  1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1 

In this case the species has abundance values of 1 in all populations from the cells that it occupies. This is because we set abundances to be binary: 1=present, 0=absent. We can see the species occupies cells 247, 248, 249, etc.

The species also has values of it’s traits for each of its populations.

    dispersal temp_niche_centre temp_niche_width start_island
249        10          20.81994              0.5            1
250        10          20.91671              0.5            1
251        10          20.84718              0.5            1
252        10          20.83687              0.5            1
289        10          20.83059              0.5            1
290        10          20.83772              0.5            1

We can see the population that each row is linked by the rownames. Here you can see 247, 248, 249, etc. Each of these populations have a dispersal trait of 5 (because we didn’t vary this) slightly different temp_mean traits (because these evolved stochastically under a Brownian motion model) and a temp width of 1 (again, we didn;t vary this in model 1).

So, if we want to map out the distribution of species 1 at timestep 0, we just need to link those cell names (267/268/etc) to the landscape object and make a raster. Why don;t we try and see what islands species 1 is found on.

# first plot the islands out from the landscape object
patch_xyz <- rast(lc$patch[,c("x", "y", "0")], type="xyz")
plot(patch_xyz, main="Island Patches", col=palette()[c(2,3,4,6)], colNA="#000033")

# pull out values of the landscape where the species is found
species1_xyz <- lc$patch[which(rownames(lc$patch) %in% rownames(species_t_0[[1]]$traits)), c("x", "y", "0")]

# turn it into a raster
species1_xyz <- rast(species1_xyz, type="xyz")
species1_xyz <- extend(species1_xyz, patch_xyz)
plot(species1_xyz, main= "Species 1 Distribution", colNA="#000033")

# alternatively we can use the plot_species function on gen3sis..
# for that we load the landscape object of the respective time-step
landscape_t_0 <- readRDS(file.path(output_dir, "config_islands_simple_Day1Prac3_M1", "landscapes", "landscape_t_0.rds"))
gen3sis::plot_species_presence(species_t_0[[1]], landscape_t_0)

Linking the species object and phylogeny

Lets try and link the species trait data to the phylogeny to start learning something about what exactly took place during our simulation! Let’s get the mean trait value of the temperature niche and also the islands that each species belongs too.

# lets create a data frame
daf <- data.frame("id"= paste0("species",sapply(species_t_0, function(x)x$id)),

# take a look
        id mean_temp island1 island2 island3 island4 island_start
1 species1        NA       0       0       0       0           NA
2 species2        NA       0       0       0       0           NA
3 species3        NA       0       0       0       0           NA
4 species4        NA       0       0       0       0           NA
5 species5        NA       0       0       0       0           NA
6 species6        NA       0       0       0       0           NA
# Use sapply on the species object to get their mean trait values
daf$mean_temp <- sapply(species_t_0, function(x){
  # x <- species_t_0[[1]]
  mean(x$traits[, "temp_niche_centre"], na.rm=T)

# Get the island patch id values in a for loop
for(i in 1:length(species_t_0)){
  #I'm here because it is a good idea to test code on a single species before running it on all species
  # i <- 1 
  # as before we get the lanscape values of each species
  speciesi_xyz <- lc$patch[which(rownames(lc$patch) %in% rownames(species_t_0[[i]]$traits)), c("x", "y", "0")]
  # then pull out the unique values (note that species might occur on more than one island)
  islands <- unique(speciesi_xyz[, 3])
  # then if species are on the island, give that column a value of 1
  daf$island1[i] <- ifelse(1 %in% islands, 1, 0)
  daf$island2[i] <- ifelse(2 %in% islands, 1, 0)
  daf$island3[i] <- ifelse(3 %in% islands, 1, 0)
  daf$island4[i] <- ifelse(4 %in% islands, 1, 0)

# get the starting island from the traits object since we recorded this in the initialization step
daf$island_start <- sapply(species_t_0, function(xasa) unique(xasa$traits[, "start_island"]))

Now look again at the data frame

        id mean_temp island1 island2 island3 island4 island_start
1 species1  20.85480       1       1       0       0            1
2 species2  20.97846       1       0       0       0            2
3 species3  21.05220       0       0       1       0            3
4 species4  21.98701       0       0       0       1            4
5 species5  20.92045       1       1       0       0            2
6 species6  20.82620       1       1       0       0            1

Plot out the continuously evolving temperature niche trait

# create a named vector for the log of the temperature niche trait
temp_niche <- daf$mean_temp
names(temp_niche) <- daf$id

# plot it out with dots = trait
dotTree(phy,temp_niche,ftype="i", length=8, fsize=1.2, standardize=T)

Not much variation in that trait, due to the combined effects of trait homogenization and a low rate of change. Lets plot the tip states of the islands on the phylogeny using the phytools package


# format each island
formatIsland <- function(island, phy=phy, daf=daf){
  islandf <- as.factor(daf[, island])
  names(islandf) <- daf$id
  return(list(islandf, islandmat))

plotTree(phy,ftype="i",offset=1,fsize=0.9, xlim=c(0, 75))

tiplabels(pie=formatIsland(island="island1", phy=phy, daf=daf)[[2]],piecol=palette()[c(8,2)],cex=0.6, adj=12+1)
tiplabels(pie=formatIsland(island="island2", phy=phy, daf=daf)[[2]],piecol=palette()[c(8,3)],cex=0.6, adj=12+3)
tiplabels(pie=formatIsland(island="island3", phy=phy, daf=daf)[[2]],piecol=palette()[c(8,4)],cex=0.6, adj=12+5)
tiplabels(pie=formatIsland(island="island4", phy=phy, daf=daf)[[2]],piecol=palette()[c(8,6)],cex=0.6, adj=12+7)

plot(patch_xyz, main="Island Patches", col=palette()[c(2,3,4,6)])

Interesting. What do you notice about the distribution of species on islands? Could you predict which island each lineage began on?

We actually know which islands each lineage started on because we recorded this as a trait (we could also look at the past species objects to figure this out but we have used a shortcut though the traits).

plotTree(phy,ftype="i",offset=1,fsize=0.4, xlim=c(0, 75))
# add the starting island as the first colum
tiplabels(pie=formatIsland(island="island_start", phy=phy, daf=daf)[[2]],piecol=palette()[c(2,3,4,6)],cex=my_cex*3, adj=12)

tiplabels(pie=formatIsland(island="island1", phy=phy, daf=daf)[[2]],piecol=palette()[c(8,2)],cex=my_cex, adj=12+1)
tiplabels(pie=formatIsland(island="island2", phy=phy, daf=daf)[[2]],piecol=palette()[c(8,3)],cex=my_cex, adj=12+3)
tiplabels(pie=formatIsland(island="island3", phy=phy, daf=daf)[[2]],piecol=palette()[c(8,4)],cex=my_cex, adj=12+5)
tiplabels(pie=formatIsland(island="island4", phy=phy, daf=daf)[[2]],piecol=palette()[c(8,6)],cex=my_cex, adj=12+7)

# add island plot
plot(patch_xyz, main="Island Patches", col=palette()[c(2,3,4,6)])

So whats really apparent here is that the clade that originated on the green island has speciated allopatrically into the red island multiple times in the recent past. The same is true for the red clade, however the deeper divergence between species9 and species3 have had enough time to recolonize both islands. Linking the species object, landscape, and phylogeny

Common spatial biodiversity analyses link information measured at the species level to maps of their distribution in space using presence-absence matrices or PAMs. PAMs typically are data frame with each row representing a site, could be an island or could be a grid cell, and each column representing a species. Values of 1 are given if the species is present in the site, if not a value of 0 is given.

# grid cell level PAM

# create an empty data frame with the dimensions of species x sites
PAM <- data.frame(matrix(0, nrow=nrow(lc$elevation), ncol=length(species_t_0)))

# given names to rows and columns
rownames(PAM) <- rownames(lc$elevation)
colnames(PAM) <- paste0("species", sapply(species_t_0, function(x)x$id))

# loop over species and add value of 1 to all sites the species is present
for(i in 1:length(species_t_0)){
  PAM[which(rownames(PAM) %in% names(species_t_0[[i]]$abundance)), i] <- 1

# how does it look?
print(PAM[1:10, 1:10])
   species1 species2 species3 species4 species5 species6 species7 species8
1         0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
2         0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
3         0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
4         0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
5         0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
6         0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
7         0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
8         0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
9         0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
10        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
   species9 species10
1         0         0
2         0         0
3         0         0
4         0         0
5         0         0
6         0         0
7         0         0
8         0         0
9         0         0
10        0         0
# we can estimate Phylogenetic diversity
pd_islands <- pd(PAM, phy)

# we can also measure mean phylogenetic distance and mean nearest neighbour distance
mpd_islands <- mpd(PAM, cophenetic(phy))
mntd_islands <- mntd(PAM,cophenetic(phy))

# link these back with the landscape by joining to the landscape lat/long
community_phylo <- cbind(lc$elevation[, c("x", "y")], pd_islands, mpd_islands, mntd_islands)

sr_ras <- rast(community_phylo[, c("x", "y", "SR")], type="xyz")
pd_ras <- rast(community_phylo[, c("x", "y", "PD")], type="xyz")
mpd_ras <- rast(community_phylo[, c("x", "y", "mpd_islands")], type="xyz")
mntd_ras <- rast(community_phylo[, c("x", "y", "mntd_islands")], type="xyz")

plot(sr_ras, main="Species Richness", na.color ="red")
plot(pd_ras, main="Phylogenetic Diversity")
plot(mpd_ras, main="Mean Phylogenetic Pairwise Distance")
plot(mntd_ras, main= "Mean Nearest Neighbour Phylogenetic Distance")

Sensitivity analysis

In this part we are going to load in a data set from Skeels et al. (2022) SystBiol in which we simulated data with Gen3sis under four alternative models to test the evolutionary speed hypothesis (ESH). The ESH hypothesizes that faster rates of evolution occurs in lineages from warm regions like the tropics because they are have higher mutagenesis from faster life histories associated with warm temperatures and smaller body sizes. The four models used there were

  • M0 - the null. population divergence is independent of temperature and body size

  • M1 - Temperature Trailblazer. environmental temperature drives rate of population divergence

  • M2 - Size Shaper. body size drives the rate of population divergence

  • M3 - Synergistic Drivers. environmental temperature and body size drives the rate of population divergence

Skeels et al. 2022 Syst. Biol. Figure 1

Not only did we change the overall model of evolution, we also varied key parameters for rates of niche evolution (simga_squared_t), rates of body size evolution (sigma_squared_bs), dispersal, and the temperature niche breadth (omega), the exponent of the divergence factor with temp/body size (lambda), and the divergence threshold. Load in the data and take a look, the first 6 columns are the model parameters we varied.

sim_data <- read.csv("data/simulated_summary_statistics.csv")

# look at the first few columns
  divergence_threshold lambda omega sigma_squared_bs sigma_squared_t dispersal
1                    6  3.497 0.022            0.010           0.008     2.748
2                    8  2.743 0.029            0.006           0.012     2.119
3                    4  4.251 0.016            0.015           0.004     3.376
4                    5  3.120 0.026            0.003           0.013     3.691
5                    9  4.629 0.013            0.013           0.006     2.433
6                    7  2.365 0.019            0.008           0.003     3.062
   m n_extant_diversity richness_lat_cor richness_temp0mya_cor temp_skewness
1 m0               3763       -0.5123028             0.4603989    -0.3377488
2 m0               2514       -0.4425833             0.3879755    -0.4301348
3 m0               2881       -0.6090030             0.5980889    -0.5485366
4 m0               3259       -0.2692291             0.2709599    -0.4056149
5 m0               1720       -0.6320276             0.5569583    -0.2034315
6 m0               2040       -0.6901237             0.7143851    -0.5818263
  temp_kurtosis rs_skewness rs_kurtosis bodysize_temp_cor
1      2.404199    7.054563    70.57922      0.0001267958
2      2.781235    7.065556    73.60686     -0.0573601538
3      2.686734    6.568041    66.80411      0.0627634742
4      2.578726    6.372164    56.40946     -0.0099951252
5      2.039092    5.943670    62.21730     -0.0491801922
6      2.692505    5.557220    43.19415     -0.1425113733
  bodysize_rangesize_cor rangesize_temp_cor bodysize_MRDa_cor bodysize_MRDn_cor
1           -0.021888162          0.3166909       -0.22987475       -0.22987475
2           -0.004099039          0.3750050        0.11431674        0.11431674
3           -0.007583409          0.1745926       -0.17385167       -0.17385167
4            0.019477523          0.3315223        0.15882106        0.15882106
5           -0.020735305          0.3106268       -0.01367189       -0.01367189
6           -0.068035906          0.2386339       -0.25345879       -0.25345879
  bodysize_MRDs_cor bodysize_ED_cor bodysize_ES_cor bodysize_DR_cor
1       -0.22987475    -0.004220075    -0.001379360     0.004220206
2        0.11431674    -0.048918445    -0.047336234     0.048918445
3       -0.17385167     0.156214848     0.124189954    -0.156214848
4        0.15882106     0.025569939     0.020867045    -0.025569939
5       -0.01367189    -0.091018579    -0.071841554     0.091018579
6       -0.25345879    -0.011839185    -0.009998883     0.011839185
  temp_MRDa_cor temp_MRDn_cor temp_MRDs_cor temp_ED_cor temp_ES_cor temp_DR_cor
1   -0.26576712   -0.26576712   -0.26576712  0.26183743   0.2202009 -0.26183732
2   -0.17175772   -0.17175772   -0.17175772  0.24312164   0.2193826 -0.24312164
3   -0.26126033   -0.26126033   -0.26126033  0.20306519   0.2015201 -0.20306519
4   -0.18047283   -0.18047283   -0.18047283  0.09627562   0.0921575 -0.09627562
5   -0.29855804   -0.29855804   -0.29855804  0.51772365   0.4230468 -0.51772365
6    0.05847105    0.05847105    0.05847105  0.11024859   0.1080941 -0.11024859
  rangesize_MRDa_cor rangesize_MRDn_cor rangesize_MRDs_cor rangesize_ED_cor
1        -0.06934918        -0.06934918        -0.06934918       0.08511133
2        -0.10091990        -0.10091990        -0.10091990       0.12507118
3         0.04022504         0.04022504         0.04022504      -0.09452590
4        -0.04660310        -0.04660310        -0.04660310       0.07933631
5        -0.13259037        -0.13259037        -0.13259037       0.18191779
6         0.06267093         0.06267093         0.06267093      -0.01025940
  rangesize_ES_cor rangesize_DR_cor  collessI    sackinI     gamma  lat_pd_cor
1      0.077434173      -0.08511127 1.2941150  1.2446979 -2.842964  0.31465895
2      0.122658910      -0.12507118 0.2469526  0.3055442 -3.432895  0.25315279
3     -0.069705157       0.09452590 1.7248814  1.6445494  3.552396  0.18284230
4      0.087443271      -0.07933631 0.1092457 -0.1254847 -2.856134  0.11539323
5      0.147346956      -0.18191779 1.9250034  1.8373325  1.221135 -0.06489522
6      0.006120436       0.01025940 1.4952264  1.3605311 -5.120426  0.53662583
  lat_mpd_cor lat_mntd_cor temp_pd_cor temp_mpd_cor temp_mntd_cor
1  0.03036122   0.33145967 -0.24781657   0.01816540  -0.268472337
2  0.10829373   0.24772423 -0.19630776  -0.09235074  -0.184665665
3  0.18551711   0.24143456 -0.18427695  -0.19302604  -0.243213118
4 -0.03477720   0.15145822 -0.09837927   0.03810852  -0.129764794
5 -0.20454388   0.09798374  0.14050779   0.24629073  -0.006957113
6  0.46224942   0.53924111 -0.54984407  -0.47923803  -0.551691573
  richness_pd_cor richness_mpd_cor richness_mntd_cor temp_bsm_cor temp_bssd_cor
1      -0.7653721      -0.41190740        -0.7499123   0.13029352    0.10296607
2      -0.5019377      -0.13404370        -0.4901978   0.02405246    0.32276835
3      -0.4206957      -0.37006059        -0.5361401   0.29116267    0.28959998
4      -0.6620540      -0.41176821        -0.6769946  -0.05320780    0.04856645
5      -0.1328847       0.06086838        -0.2905060  -0.08286640    0.08193951
6      -0.8328187      -0.71895993        -0.8346579   0.31747185    0.34586235
  richness_bsm_cor richness_bssd_cor   pd_bsm_cor mpd_bsm_cor mntd_bsm_cor
1       0.11558582         0.2699839  0.003325102   0.2260060  -0.05039301
2      -0.04537885         0.3499518 -0.263036186  -0.2484294  -0.25064129
3       0.23668036         0.3628398  0.515713659   0.4795434   0.49672112
4       0.04042515         0.1778522 -0.052266148  -0.1187109  -0.03605613
5       0.31046985         0.3722813  0.061612978   0.1029425   0.06221910
6       0.45747017         0.3837205 -0.038428520   0.3474728  -0.12562991
# look at the models
[1] "m0" "m1" "m2" "m3"

This data set has 27 metrics used in our paper to measure patterns in the distribution of species, such as range size metrics, or correlations between temperature and diversity, as well as phylogenetic tree shape metrics, such as gamma, and measures of functional diversity, like body size variance. We predicted that these different models of evolution (M0-M4) should leave discernible signatures in these metrics. We can plot a few associations between biodiversity metrics and these model parameters to test this hypothesis.


# how is diversity related to the dispersal ability of a clade?
ggplot(sim_data, aes(x=m, y=log(n_extant_diversity), fill=m))+
  geom_point(alpha=0.7, position = "jitter")+

# how about the temperature~diversity gradient?
ggplot(sim_data, aes(x=m, y=richness_temp0mya_cor, fill=m))+
  geom_point(alpha=0.7, position = "jitter")+

# how about the relationship between  body size and diversification rate?
ggplot(sim_data, aes(x=m, y=bodysize_DR_cor, fill=m))+
  geom_point(alpha=0.7, position = "jitter")+

# how about the relationship between temperature and diversification rate?
ggplot(sim_data, aes(x=m, y=temp_DR_cor, fill=m))+
  geom_point(alpha=0.7, position = "jitter")+

Do these patterns fit our predictions? We can also look at how some of these metrics varied with the continuous model parameters such as dispersal ability.

# how is diversity related to the dispersal ability of a clade?
ggplot(sim_data, aes(x=dispersal, y=log(n_extant_diversity)))+

# how about the latitude diversity gradient?
ggplot(sim_data, aes(x=dispersal, y=temp_DR_cor))+

To perform a simple kind of sensitivity test we might ask how each of the model parameters predicts linear changes in the distribution of a biodiversity patterns using a multiple regression model. One example where we have a good idea of what the relationship should be is the how variance in the distribution of temperature niches across species (e.g., skewness of the distribution) relates to model paramaters. We expect that this should scale with the rate of rate of temperature niche evolution - faster rates of change = more variation in the trait = more kutosis.

# first scale parameters to be in the same units
sim_data_scaled <- sim_data
sim_data_scaled[,1:6] <- scale(sim_data_scaled[,1:6] )

# fit the multiple regression
lm1  <- lm(temp_kurtosis ~ divergence_threshold+lambda+omega+sigma_squared_bs+sigma_squared_t+dispersal, data=sim_data_scaled)

# look at model coefficients

lm(formula = temp_kurtosis ~ divergence_threshold + lambda + 
    omega + sigma_squared_bs + sigma_squared_t + dispersal, data = sim_data_scaled)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-2.7214 -0.7281 -0.3103  0.2481 22.9740 

                     Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)           3.26301    0.04670  69.872  < 2e-16 ***
divergence_threshold  0.48515    0.04978   9.745  < 2e-16 ***
lambda                0.22304    0.04717   4.729 2.49e-06 ***
omega                 0.07447    0.04769   1.562    0.119    
sigma_squared_bs      0.02415    0.04677   0.516    0.606    
sigma_squared_t       0.29197    0.04690   6.225 6.37e-10 ***
dispersal             0.26180    0.04915   5.326 1.17e-07 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 1.737 on 1377 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.1076,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.1037 
F-statistic: 27.68 on 6 and 1377 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

What do you see? Are our expectations met? Any surprises? Let’s try a few other biodiversity patterns where the predictions are less clear.

# fit the multiple regressions

# Gamma statsitic for phylogenetic tree shape
lm2  <- lm(gamma ~ divergence_threshold+lambda+omega+sigma_squared_bs+sigma_squared_t+dispersal, data=sim_data_scaled)

# skewness of the range size distribution of species
lm3  <- lm(rs_skewness ~ divergence_threshold+lambda+omega+sigma_squared_bs+sigma_squared_t+dispersal, data=sim_data_scaled)

# correlation between species range sizes and temperature
lm4  <- lm(rangesize_temp_cor ~ divergence_threshold+lambda+omega+sigma_squared_bs+sigma_squared_t+dispersal, data=sim_data_scaled)

# look at model coefficients

lm(formula = gamma ~ divergence_threshold + lambda + omega + 
    sigma_squared_bs + sigma_squared_t + dispersal, data = sim_data_scaled)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-14.6901  -3.3262  -0.3125   3.0625  19.1039 

                     Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)           1.58975    0.13209  12.035  < 2e-16 ***
divergence_threshold -1.67245    0.14081 -11.877  < 2e-16 ***
lambda               -0.36850    0.13341  -2.762  0.00582 ** 
omega                 1.13745    0.13489   8.432  < 2e-16 ***
sigma_squared_bs      0.04682    0.13230   0.354  0.72347    
sigma_squared_t      -0.17454    0.13266  -1.316  0.18848    
dispersal             0.99940    0.13903   7.188 1.07e-12 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 4.914 on 1377 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.2175,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.2141 
F-statistic: 63.78 on 6 and 1377 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

lm(formula = rs_skewness ~ divergence_threshold + lambda + omega + 
    sigma_squared_bs + sigma_squared_t + dispersal, data = sim_data_scaled)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-5.5219 -1.7186 -0.2771  1.3923 21.2181 

                     Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)           6.14631    0.06701  91.717  < 2e-16 ***
divergence_threshold -2.11448    0.07144 -29.598  < 2e-16 ***
lambda               -0.60219    0.06768  -8.897  < 2e-16 ***
omega                -0.31157    0.06844  -4.553 5.76e-06 ***
sigma_squared_bs      0.22387    0.06712   3.335 0.000875 ***
sigma_squared_t      -0.57043    0.06730  -8.476  < 2e-16 ***
dispersal            -1.33498    0.07053 -18.927  < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 2.493 on 1377 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.4552,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.4528 
F-statistic: 191.8 on 6 and 1377 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

lm(formula = rangesize_temp_cor ~ divergence_threshold + lambda + 
    omega + sigma_squared_bs + sigma_squared_t + dispersal, data = sim_data_scaled)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-0.72559 -0.08895  0.01488  0.09329  0.68488 

                      Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)           0.197748   0.004238  46.658  < 2e-16 ***
divergence_threshold -0.029361   0.004518  -6.498 1.13e-10 ***
lambda               -0.022882   0.004281  -5.345 1.05e-07 ***
omega                -0.042760   0.004328  -9.879  < 2e-16 ***
sigma_squared_bs     -0.001199   0.004245  -0.283    0.778    
sigma_squared_t       0.041124   0.004256   9.662  < 2e-16 ***
dispersal            -0.019362   0.004461  -4.340 1.53e-05 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.1577 on 1377 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.1388,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.135 
F-statistic: 36.99 on 6 and 1377 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

In all these cases there are interesting associations between model parameters and the biodiversity metrics. However, look at the R-squared values and what do you find? They are highly variable and in some cases quite low. This means that lots of variance in these biodiversity metrics are not explained by a linear combination of our model parameters. This is important when interpreting the effect. There are other ways of inferring more complex relationships between model parameters and biodiversity metrics, such as by including quadratic effects, exploring interaction terms, fitting non-linear models such as generalised additive models (GAMs), or even using machine learning methods such as neural networks which allow for highly-dimension non-linear effects. We won’t cover these today but they are all useful options to explore during sensitivity analysis.

4.0.1 Model Selection

Once we have established that some biodiversity metrics showed predictable relationships with model parameters or the generative model (e.g., M0-M4) we can use these metrics to perform model selection on empirical data. Here we are using the match between observed biodiversity patterns and simulated biodiversity patterns, to ask which model might be most likely to have generated the real patterns.

Skeels et al. 2022 Syst. Biol. Figure 2

To do this we are going to perform a linear discriminant analysis which is a classification tool that can fit fit fairly quickly compared to some of the other models. We want to validate how well the model performs so we will perform a 10-fold cross validation repeated 10 times. Here we train the model on a subset of the data, repeating the process and optimising the predictive capacity. Then we predict how good a job our classifier is on a witheld portion of the data (test data). If the model performs well we should be able to accurately predict what models generated what biodiversity metrics.

# get just the biodiversity metrics
sim_data_ms <- sim_data[,7:ncol(sim_data)]

# remove MRDs variables from sim data
sim_data_ms <- sim_data_ms[, -which(grepl("MRDs",colnames(sim_data_ms)))]

# partition into a training and testing dataset for cross validation
train_index <- createDataPartition(sim_data_ms$m, p = .66, list = FALSE,  times = 1)
train_data <- sim_data_ms[ train_index ,]
test_data  <- sim_data_ms[-train_index ,]

# preprocess values - we will scale and center values
preprocessed_values <- preProcess(train_data, method = c("center", "scale"))
train_transformed   <- predict(preprocessed_values, train_data)
test_transformed    <- predict(preprocessed_values, test_data )

# configure the cross-validation paramaters
train_control <- trainControl( method = "repeatedcv", number = 10, repeats = 10, classProbs = TRUE, savePredictions = TRUE)

f1 <- formula(paste("m ~ ", paste(names(sim_data_ms)[2:c(length(names(sim_data_ms)))], collapse=" + ")))

# note we'll run an LDA because they're quick - many other kinds of models to choose from 
lda_train        <- train(f1, data=train_transformed, method = "lda", trControl = train_control, verbose = T)

#predict on test data
lda_test        <- predict(lda_train, test_transformed)

# classification accuracy
lda_cm        <- confusionMatrix(data = lda_test, reference = as.factor(test_transformed$m), mode = "prec_recall")

# how well did the model perform
Confusion Matrix and Statistics

Prediction  m0  m1  m2  m3
        m0 102  18   1   6
        m1   6  91   3  10
        m2   0   1  81  24
        m3   9   6  32  77

Overall Statistics
               Accuracy : 0.7516          
                 95% CI : (0.7098, 0.7902)
    No Information Rate : 0.2505          
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : < 2e-16         
                  Kappa : 0.6688          
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.09666         

Statistics by Class:

                     Class: m0 Class: m1 Class: m2 Class: m3
Precision               0.8031    0.8273    0.7642    0.6210
Recall                  0.8718    0.7845    0.6923    0.6581
F1                      0.8361    0.8053    0.7265    0.6390
Prevalence              0.2505    0.2484    0.2505    0.2505
Detection Rate          0.2184    0.1949    0.1734    0.1649
Detection Prevalence    0.2719    0.2355    0.2270    0.2655
Balanced Accuracy       0.9002    0.8652    0.8104    0.7619

Whats the overall accuracy? Are some models predicted better than others?

Now we’ll use this model to predict the possible model of diversification in orders of terrestrial vertebrates.

# first subset and clean the colnames of the empirical data
empirical_data <- read.csv("data/order_empirical_summary_statistics.csv")

# just want to look at diverse clades
empirical_data <- na.omit(empirical_data[which(empirical_data$n_species >= 20),])

# make labels lower case
empirical_data$taxon <- tolower(empirical_data$taxon)

# clean up a few names because I'm a grub
colnames(empirical_data)[which(colnames(empirical_data) == "taxon")] <- "m"
colnames(empirical_data)[which(colnames(empirical_data)=="rs_kutosis")] <- "rs_kurtosis"
colnames(empirical_data)[which(colnames(empirical_data)=="n_species")] <- "n_extant_diversity"
colnames(empirical_data) <- gsub("_p_cor", "_cor",colnames(empirical_data)) # change _p_cor for posterior samplescould also change _m_cor to use MCC samples
colnames(empirical_data) <- gsub("DivRate", "DR",colnames(empirical_data))
colnames(empirical_data)[which(colnames(empirical_data) == "taxon")] <- "m"
colnames(empirical_data)[which(colnames(empirical_data) == "collessI_posterior")] <- "collessI"
colnames(empirical_data)[which(colnames(empirical_data) == "sackinI_mcc")] <- "sackinI"
colnames(empirical_data)[which(colnames(empirical_data) == "gamma_mcc")] <- "gamma"

# ok these should be able to be matched now
empirical_data <- empirical_data[, which(colnames(empirical_data) %in% colnames(sim_data_ms))]
empirical_subset <- empirical_data[, match(colnames(sim_data_ms), colnames(empirical_data))]

# check names match
colnames(sim_data_ms)[which(!colnames(sim_data_ms) %in% colnames(empirical_subset))]
colnames(empirical_subset)[which(!colnames(empirical_subset) %in% colnames(sim_data_ms))]
colnames(empirical_subset) == colnames(sim_data_ms)
# Process empirical data in the same way as for the simulated data
simulated_transformed <- predict(preprocessed_values, sim_data_ms )
empirical_transformed <- predict(preprocessed_values, empirical_subset )

model_set <- list(lda_train)

# predict on empirical
class_predictions   <- predict(model_set, newdata = empirical_transformed, type = "raw", na.action = na.omit)
class_probabilities <- predict(model_set, newdata = empirical_transformed, type = "prob", na.action = na.omit)

# sum the classes
colSums(do.call(rbind, class_predictions)) # TODO define class prediction table
 [1] 3 4 1 2 1 1 4 1 3 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 4 4 3 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 4 4 4 3 4 1 4 4 3 4 1 4
[39] 1 4 1 3 4 3 4 2 4 1
# now we can see which model is the most supported for each order
cbind(empirical_transformed$m, as.character(class_predictions[[1]]))
      [,1]                [,2]
 [1,] "serpentes"         "m2"
 [2,] "anguimorpha"       "m3"
 [3,] "dibamia"           "m0"
 [4,] "gekkota"           "m1"
 [5,] "iguania"           "m0"
 [6,] "lacertoidea"       "m0"
 [7,] "scincoidea"        "m3"
 [8,] "afrosoricida"      "m0"
 [9,] "carnivora"         "m2"
[10,] "cetartiodactyla"   "m2"
[11,] "chiroptera"        "m0"
[12,] "cingulata"         "m3"
[13,] "dasyuromorphia"    "m1"
[14,] "didelphimorphia"   "m2"
[15,] "diprotodontia"     "m0"
[16,] "eulipotyphla"      "m3"
[17,] "lagomorpha"        "m3"
[18,] "primates"          "m3"
[19,] "rodentia"          "m2"
[20,] "scandentia"        "m1"
[21,] "accipitriformes"   "m0"
[22,] "anseriformes"      "m0"
[23,] "apodiformes"       "m2"
[24,] "bucerotiformes"    "m1"
[25,] "caprimulgiformes"  "m0"
[26,] "charadriiformes"   "m0"
[27,] "columbiformes"     "m3"
[28,] "coraciiformes"     "m3"
[29,] "cuculiformes"      "m3"
[30,] "falconiformes"     "m2"
[31,] "galliformes"       "m3"
[32,] "gruiformes"        "m0"
[33,] "musophagiformes"   "m3"
[34,] "otidiformes"       "m3"
[35,] "passeriformes"     "m2"
[36,] "pelecaniformes"    "m3"
[37,] "piciformes"        "m0"
[38,] "procellariiformes" "m3"
[39,] "psittaciformes"    "m0"
[40,] "strigiformes"      "m3"
[41,] "suliformes"        "m0"
[42,] "tinamiformes"      "m2"
[43,] "trogoniformes"     "m3"
[44,] "anura"             "m2"
[45,] "caudata"           "m3"
[46,] "gymnophiona"       "m1"
[47,] "crocodylia"        "m3"
[48,] "testudines"        "m0"

m0 m1 m2 m3 
15  5 10 18 
# can also look at the variation in this
cbind(empirical_transformed$m, round(class_probabilities[[1]], 3))
   empirical_transformed$m    m0    m1    m2    m3
1                serpentes 0.081 0.000 0.919 0.000
2              anguimorpha 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000
3                  dibamia 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
4                  gekkota 0.000 0.655 0.000 0.345
5                  iguania 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
6              lacertoidea 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
7               scincoidea 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000
8             afrosoricida 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
9                carnivora 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000
10         cetartiodactyla 0.176 0.000 0.824 0.000
11              chiroptera 0.880 0.000 0.120 0.000
12               cingulata 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000
13          dasyuromorphia 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000
15         didelphimorphia 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000
16           diprotodontia 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
17            eulipotyphla 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000
19              lagomorpha 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000
28                primates 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000
30                rodentia 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000
31              scandentia 0.002 0.998 0.000 0.000
33         accipitriformes 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
34            anseriformes 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
35             apodiformes 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000
37          bucerotiformes 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000
38        caprimulgiformes 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
41         charadriiformes 0.972 0.028 0.000 0.000
44           columbiformes 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.999
45           coraciiformes 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000
46            cuculiformes 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000
48           falconiformes 0.016 0.000 0.984 0.000
49             galliformes 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000
51              gruiformes 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
53         musophagiformes 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000
54             otidiformes 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000
55           passeriformes 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000
56          pelecaniformes 0.000 0.000 0.032 0.968
59              piciformes 0.999 0.000 0.001 0.000
61       procellariiformes 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000
62          psittaciformes 0.672 0.328 0.000 0.000
66            strigiformes 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000
67              suliformes 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
68            tinamiformes 0.000 0.000 0.775 0.225
69           trogoniformes 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000
70                   anura 0.000 0.000 0.941 0.059
71                 caudata 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000
72             gymnophiona 0.031 0.968 0.000 0.001
73              crocodylia 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000
74              testudines 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

What patterns do you see? Which models are the most supported?